Steele Mutual Fund Expert with Morningstar data is available for Mutual Funds/ETFs and Variable Annuities/Variable Life.

The right tool for mutual fund investors
Steele Mutual Fund Expert is intuitive and powerful software designed to help you select, analyze, compare, and track mutual funds by giving you full control over the data. Financial professionals can also organize and present comparisons and their analysis with customized graphs, tables and other reports.

Steele Expert software tools are designed to help investors incorporate their own judgment with objective data and arrive at the best investment decisions for them.

Authoritative & Comprehensive data on all funds
Original data is provided by Morningstar, Inc. on 30,000 Mutual Funds/ETFs and 150,000 Variable Annuities/Variable Life, including 462 benchmarks for comparison, with up to 975 and 382 pieces of information on each fund and variable annuity respectively. The mutual fund databases also include virtually all money market funds and ETFs.

Find the funds that are best for you
The Expert allows you to choose and evaluate the factors you believe are most important in measuring and analyzing funds, and then helps you isolate the funds that meet those criteria.

Customize everything for you or your clients
You can customize all display screens, graphs, and tabular or single-fund reports in any way you want. And you can also add your own graphics, such as company logo, and print dazzling pages.   To see sample reports click here.

See the data the way you want 
Any portion of the data can be custom-reported in an unlimited number of ways, either displayed on the screen, printed, graphed, or exported for further manipulation or analysis to other applications, such as Excel.

Money-Back Guarantee 
Your satisfaction is important to us. Try Steele Expert for Mutual Funds or Variable Annuities for 30 days without any risk to you. If you find it does not meet your needs for some reason, return it for a full refund (less any shipping). Further, you may cancel your subscription at any time.

Minimum System Requirements
PC running Windows 11/10/8/7/Vista, 2G RAM, 300MB of available hard disk space, Internet connection or CD-ROM drive.

Apple Mac with Windows installed with the built-in utility Boot Camp, or after installing Windows using VMware or Parallels software for running Windows and Mac applications at the same time.
See article on The Best Ways To Run Windows On Mac.

Database Edition Prices
30-day Risk-Free Trial

Database Editions
List of Data Fields

The Mutual Fund databases are available in 3 editions varying in the amount of data, some features, and price:

  - Personal
- Professional
  - Pro-Plus

Review the Database Comparison Table which lists the data fields in each database edition to determine which one best suits your needs.

Database Edition Prices
30-day Risk-Free Trial

Steele Mutual Fund Expert is also available for Variable Annuities / Variable Life.  Supplement retirement with tax-deferred annuities that permit unlimited contributions.

Variable Annuities/Variable Life data fields.

Updates are available for Mutual Funds and Variable Annuities on a monthly or quarterly basis.

The databases are made available on our site to our current subscribers by the 4th-5th business day after the end of each month.

Optional backup CDs are shipped around the middle of each month.


If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please send them to:

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